Monday, November 5, 2012


Today's Tip of The Day:

Braces can be painful and uncomfortable the first few days or even up to a week once you get them on. You're going to want to make this procedure comfortable and avoid the unpleasures that are likely possible. Here are some steps and tips on how to make that happen!

1. EAT. You wont be able to do it without discomfort after the first few days, so eat some hard foods or anything that you have to chew before you get your braces on. After this, it's all mashed potatoes and ice-cream for the next few days.

2. THINK POSITIVE. Don't think of every day as another day with braces. Think of it as another day closer to getting them off. Imagine how happy you will be with your straight teeth. Having a positive attitude will make life with braces, or anything, a lot easier.

3. REMEMBER PATIENCE. Always remember to be patient. It will take awhile to get the braces on. Bring music, a book, or a distraction of sorts to keep yourself occupied and to help pass the time.

4. BRUSH YOUR TEETH. It will make yours and your orthodontist's experience a lot better if there isn't food stuck in between your teeth. Don't forget to brush that white film off of your tongue too!

  • After you get your braces, repeat step 1 and eat some food but soft foods likes mashed potatoes, or pasta, or some soup. Your teeth wont hurt until a few hours after having your braces put on but you also don't want to break anything that was just put on either! Try not to eat anything with bread - it will get stuck in your braces.
  • Follow your guidelines given to you by your orthodontist. Only eat what they say you can and wear rubber bands as needed.
  • Afterwards, it's not that bad having braces. Your teeth will be sensitive for a few days, but after that, they will only hurt after you get them adjusted.
  • Stick to your orthodontists plan! Having braces will pass a lot quicker if you are careful not to pop brackets or lose bands!
  • Your orthodontist will give you wax for your teeth. Be sure to use it if your braces are cutting you.

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