Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Good Morning!


By Following Dr. Bayrakdarian's guidance on dental hygiene and avoiding certain foods while wearing braces, you will be on track to a lifetime of healthy teeth and a beautiful smile!

Plaque is the reason that patients need to be vigilant about dental hygiene during orthodontic treatment. If plaque is left on teeth and around braces, patients may develop swollen gums, bad breath, scarred and discolored teeth, and even cavities. When plaque is removed regularly during treatment, patients are rewarded with the best possible results in the shortest time possible. 

To help you in your fight against plaque, Dr. Bayrakdarian recommends the following tools:

1. Toothbrushes (manual, travel and power varieties);
2. Fluoride toothpaste;
3. Dental floss;
4. Interproximal brush-tiny, cone-shaped brush that is designed to slip under the archwire and remove plaque and food particles in hard-to-reach spots around brackets and between teeth; and
5. Fluoride rinse.

Once you have the proper tools, you can fight plaque by following these guidelines. To begin, patients should clean their teeth at least four times a day (after each meal and before bed) with a soft, rounded-bristle manual or power toothbrush in good condition and a fluoride toothpaste. and Dr. Bayrakdarian's instructions on how to properly brush with braces should be followed. Patients also need professional cleanings at the dentist's office at least every six months to keep teeth and gums in top condition during orthodontic treatment. even with diligent attention to daily dental hygiene, professional cleanings are key in removing plaque build-up!

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